serving London, ON since 1955


(Click on Questions to get the Answer)

How much water does the average person use in a day?

  1. 40 litres per day
  2. 190 litres per day
  3. 300 litres per day
  4. 380 litres per day

How much water can leaks and drips waste in a year?

  1. 8,000 litres
  2. 19,000 litres
  3. 26,000 litres
  4. 38,000 litres

How much water can a leaky toilet waste every day?

  1. 190 litres
  2. 380 litres
  3. 670 litres
  4. 760 litres

How much water can a leaky faucet waste every day?

  1. 15 litres
  2. 55 litres
  3. 75 litres
  4. 100 litres

How much water can a family save with efficient toilets, showers and faucets?

  1. 20,000 litres/year
  2. 60,000 litres/year
  3. 95,000 litres/year
  4. 125,000 litres/year

How much water does the average house use before 9 A.M.?

  1. 40 litres
  2. 80 litres
  3. 110 litres
  4. 150 litres

How much water can you save by turning off the water while you brush your teeth?

  1. 80 litres/month
  2. 120 litres/month
  3. 380 litres/month
  4. 760 litres/month

Which uses less water?

  1. A bath
  2. A 5 minute shower

How long does a typical shower last?

  1. 5 minutes
  2. 8 minutes
  3. 10 minutes
  4. 12 minutes

Which is the better way to do dishes?

  1. washing by hand
  2. filling up the dishwasher